116 Hill Hall, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti. MI 48197 USA.

You Need A Good Imagination And A Pile Of Junk.

Have an idea but don't have any teacher to help you take it forward? Please check with your teachers if they will be interested in helping you out with the competition. If your teacher/school does not have time to help you out, students' parents can join our "Dare 2 Design" program. Dare 2 Design is EMUiNVENT's Independent Inventors program, where we help such students and teams to bring their ideas to reality. Under parents' guardianship we conduct workshops and training (due to Covid19 this year we are conducting them virtually) to help students/ teams convert their idea into a working or a non-working prototype. As a part of these workshops and trainings, students/ teams get help and guidance from budding & experienced engineers and entrepreneurs. These engineers and entrepreneurs will mentor students/ teams and ensure that they are ready to participate in EMUiNVENT

Contact us to join Dare 2 Design

Some Resources